After an excessively hot week there is nothing better then sitting on the couch listening to a thunderstorm outside. I'm sure you're all thinking..."fool, get off the computer!" Not to worry, it's only a random crack from time to time, in the distance, and raining gently. When things get hairy I'll shut her down. Promise. In the meantime, I've been doing a bit of reminiscing.
Moving. It isn't something most people jump up and down at the thought of. If they are anything like me, they drag their feet until the very last minute, scrambling to get boxes from every store in town and shoving things into garbage bags and plastic totes without labels so upon arrival it is a complete cluster F@#&! Yeah...that's more my style. The reminiscing has to do with previous moves. The most recent being when I was pregnant with little bean. Not extremely pregnant, probably about four months, just about the time where the sickness and horrifying first trimester disaster is supposed to be over. Unless you're me of course and it lasts through your entire pregnancy. Let me just tell you, stress, anxiety and pregnancy are not a pretty mix! So, I employed the help of everybody I could and I have recently learned that in my haste to move, twice, I lost many things that I loved and many things that are important - read: Important Identifying Documents! Yikes!!!! Not good. That being said, I work best under pressure and cleared out a ton of crap I never actually needed. Couldn't have done this without the help of friends and family, that's for sure.
I am suddenly finding myself at the point of moving once again. It's an exciting move and one little bean and I will be able to approach with joy and good feelings attached. I get to sort through the crap slowly and make sure I actually know where the important documents are stashed. I won't have a belly sticking out a mile in front of me or fear from
being 10 feet away from a toilet or other hole worthy of tossing my
cookies into. I won't break a sweat at the thought of carrying a bag of
socks to the car. I have never moved with a toddler before and doing a little reading has assured me that little bean will adjust and cope well...I always believe everything I read. I am sure I won't encounter any meltdowns or near disasters over a misplaced "bubby" aka, bunny or specific book or even a crayon for that matter! Nope, this is the way it should be done...unless of course you can hire movers to do it for you. That just might be the way it should be done. Who knows.
Prior to the pregnant moves I've had my fair share of packing and unpacking and repacking. I once dated someone that said he wouldn't own anything he couldn't pack within three minutes and leave. Yep...that relationship didn't last very long! There was also the guy I once lived with that when I moved across the country and left him behind he mailed me a bunch of my stuff including my stereo without any cords and one shoe from each pair I owned. I walked around lopsided for a LONG time! Seriously though, I wasn't cold-hearted or cruel, I just knew where I didn't want to be. Generally it wasn't with some loser that could even think of sending someone one of each of their shoes because really if that's the way he approaches life he's probably just not a very good seed. Regardless of that fact, looking back it is a really funny story and somewhat creative. It has also been something that has built character and the often used catch phrase..."I'll chalk that one up to life experience." Lots of life experience happens when you move.
When you're ready to leave your parents home and start exploring the world as a teenager it's like it should have happened yesterday and you can't leave fast enough. When you are ready to embark on adventures later in life it is with caution and curiosity and sure footing. Your ducks tend to be in a straighter row so to speak so that when you are handed some lemons in life you can find some limes and tequila and make a delicious margarita instead of panicking. (I don't you put lemon in a margarita? can make it however you want, if you have the time to make one life can't be that bad.) Boxes upon boxes of chaos could cause anxiety in anybody and surely will have me panicking a little but this time I know where I'm going and I know where I've been so the right now just feels right. I will continue to write from an Itty-Bitty living space and I can imagine the stories of packing disasters and misplaced Elmo will entertain for weeks to come but I can assure you that each pair of my shoes will remain joined at the feet.
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